Kronan with Front Carrier

A fetching blue Kronan outfitted with a front cargo carrier. The carrier's weight is attached to the bicycle frame, not the fork, which is perhaps a superior design. The Kronan front rack is available in North America for $50.

yes! that's the Cronan type i see around Rotterdam a lot.
It's ideal for shopping, looks great and is very sturdy. And it also comes in some great all-over colours. I'd like a red one please.
You should see the amount of bikes at dutch trainstations, if your bike obsession lasts you wont be able to pull away from there.
I saw a red Kronan on the Boston craigslist just last week! About $200 or so...but...coals to Newcastle, or something...
I got my first taste of what you describe outside the Cologne train station in August 2000. It was a life-changing experience, and now I am a proseletizer (sp?).
Kronan Saftey Issue - Unsafe?
The bicycle association in Sweden has tested about 20 bicycles and
found that Kronan was the worst bicycle with the lowest quality.
The front fork broke during the test and the back carrier and saddle
did not pass the tests.
The conclusion was that the Kronan bicycle has many saftey faults could
be dangerous to ride. The quality was the lowest in the test.
The above information is based on the findings from the tests in
Sweden. See link below:
You can translate the above link from Swedish to English on
I read that the fork was made out of a soft carbon steel not rigid enough for the front drum brake used on european models, perhaps the reason US market Kronans came without any front brake?
The Kronan was the cheapest and cutest of the swedish roadsters, at $300 for a one speed I couldn't be any other way. I also heard that the new Kronans - sold only in Holland, the old Kronan company went bankrupt - and cheaper chinese versions of the original. Maybe that was the model tested.
The link does not seem to be good, simply takes one to a table of contents page, not to any sort of comparison.
Performing a search on that page for "Kronan" returns no results.
Perhaps someone could verify the claims of poor quality with a working link?
I rode mine with a hockey bag on the front rack and my wife on the back and never had a single issue - Bombproof.
That safety test was probably never done, or if it was it probably was with the new cheaper ones - the originals were never $300, they were $500 for the single speed, $600 for the three speed.
The only things I disliked about them - the crappy light, and the ridiculous license plate, which I removed.
mi è stata regalata una Kronan mod. uomo nel 2008, le sono molto affezionato e la uso come mio primo mezzo di locomozione.ho trasportato di tutto compreso i miei tre figli ma non posso dire sia veramente indistruttibile perché qualche negli anni mi si è rotto un cerchio e la forcella anteriore.....
Alessandro Italy
regalata nel 2008 ho una bici kronan come mio unico mezzo di trasporto. ci ho caricato di tutto compreso i miei tre non posso dire sia veramente robusta perché ho rotto un cerchio e la forcella anteriore e l'ho dovuta riverniciare per la ruggine. Le sono comunque molto affezionato
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